
17 Audio Reviews

Love this a lot! I personally love the part that starts at around 1:12. The instruments work really well together, and it really does the buildup to the next part very well!

I can feel the utter betrayal in my SOUL. This is an amazing song! I love how the instruments complement each other to give the vibes of both "I'm sorry, but I have to do this. Our time together was nice while it lasted." and "I've never been your ally. I was just biding my time for this moment.". I have to say, this has to be one of my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE songs from you! Keep up the amazing work!

Amazing as ever! I love the instrument choice, and the backing melody (I think that's the words for it?) is a great complement to the main melody! I feel like I heard a hint of Molten Lava Cake Mountain near the end, but I'm not entirely sure. Either way, awesome job!

This is so cool! The fast pace of the song really makes it seem like you're in a car chase, and the instrument choice is fantastic! Keep up the great work!

I absolutely love the scene you put with it in the description! I love to imagine the visuals that go along with the music! The surreal feeling that the music has is amazing!

This feels half like it's out of a Sonic the Hedgehog game and half out of one of those side scrolling beat-em-ups like Double Dragon and River City Girls. And I absolutely love it for that!

To be serious, this is such a bop. I can't help but tap along when I'm listening to it! I love the melodies too!

I seriously can't stop listening to this. For your first song on here, this is amazing!

This is AMAZING! This has got to be one of your best works yet! I can't stop listening to it!

This is awesome! I really loved the chorus/melody bit! You're doing great work!

Lover of anime and video games, and a writer as well! I especially love the concept of phantom thieves with a passion! Will usually post things related to my stories, such as character themes.

Joined on 12/22/20

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